Home Press Releases Middlesbrough care home’s high praise from watchdog
A MIDDLESBROUGH care home has received high praise from industry watchdog the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following an unannounced inspection.
The Gables Care Home, on Highfield Road, received an overall “Good” rating from the CQC after inspectors visited the home in February and spoke with over a dozen staff members, residents, relatives and visiting professionals.
One family member told inspectors they believed the home is the reason their relative is still alive, after being admitted four years ago on “end of life care”.
The CQC inspection report stated: “People and their relatives spoke positively about the caring nature of staff. One relative told us, “I am so glad I actually chose this place. [family member] came in here on end of life and on a syringe driver. Four years down the line they’re still here and I believe it’s this place that has kept them alive.”
One health professional told inspectors “The care has always been the number one thing here. They really provide good care.”
An agency nurse said: “I only go to homes that are safe and where the care is good. I set myself high standards and expect others to do the same. That is why I keep coming back here.”
Inspectors wrote: “People and their relatives all gave very positive feedback on the home. One person told us, “Oh I’m happy alright. I’m well looked after.”
“People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.”
The home’s dining experience was singled out for particularly high praise. The inspection report said: “The kitchen had been awarded a five-star hygiene rating from the environmental Health officer.
“People spoke positively about the food they received and the choice available. One person said, “The food is very good. You get a choice. The portions are good and it’s hot when supposed to be hot.”
“The dining experience was a very positive one. The provider had employed staff specifically to support people at mealtimes. Dining rooms were welcoming, there was pleasant background music and people were encouraged to eat in a respectful and patient way.”
Activities for residents and the home’s community links were also highlighted by inspectors. They wrote: “There were opportunities for people to get involved in a wide range of activities. This included activities in the home and trips out.
“One person told us, “Today the [staff member] is going to get me painting. They’re good that way. Playing games or sitting with residents who are in their rooms.”
“One relative told us, “My [family member] has really been brought out of their shell since coming here.”
“The provider had developed a number of links to the local community. Health and social care students from the local college came in to do regular placements. The home also had links with Aging Better Middlesbrough an organisation to combat isolation amongst elderly people in the area.”
Pam Rodgers, home manager at The Gables Care Home, said: “We are absolutely delighted with our latest CQC inspection report.
“The report reflects the hard work and dedication of our staff, ensuring our residents have a safe, caring, comfortable and enjoyable place to live.”